My Top Three Books From 2020

I read loads of books last year so thought that I’d share with you my three favourites. The ones I have chosen were all released in 2020 and I couldn’t put them down! I’d love to know if you’ve read them so leave a comment at the end and let me know what you think.

1.     The Art of Resilience by Ross Edgley 

2.     Limitless by Jim Kwik

3.     Breath by James Nestor

 The Art of Resilience

 In this incredible book we follow Ross’ account of his record-breaking swim around Great Britain. He was the first person in human history to complete the swim and the feat took him five months. He has some brilliant stories from his experience and writes about them beautifully.

 Ross is fuelled by Stoic philosophy so it’s pretty obvious that I was going to love this book. He references the philosophy often and credits it as being one of the main things that helped him to complete the swim. The fact that this book is a mix of adventure and Stoicism made it a truly captivating read.


 Jim Kwik was called “the boy with the broken brain” by teachers when he was very young. Following a brain injury, Jim was labelled as someone who wouldn’t be able to academically excel. He proved these teachers wrong and used this adversity as his motivation to improve. Jim is now a brain coach and has advised many Hollywood actors quick and effective ways to memorise lines. For a while he was Will Smith’s “Brain Coach” and after digging into this book, you will understand why Jim is such a sought-after coach. 

 This book will teach you how to learn - something that is often bypassed in schools. We learn subjects, but not the art of learning itself. This meta learning – essentially “how to learn” is fascinating and something that can be applied to any subject in our lives. 

 In my opinion, this should be on everyone’s reading list for 2021!


 In this fascinating look at the importance of breath, James Nestor becomes a human guinea pig and explores all of the ways that breathing can optimise our health. Studying cutting-edge science and ancient techniques alike, James has highlighted the importance of breathing correctly and what implications this has on our society at large. 

While reading this book I learned that my breathing had been suboptimal for quite some time… That was pretty mind blowing! I highly recommend this book (even if you think you already know how to breath).

There were so many books that I enjoyed reading in 2020 but these were the ones that I couldn’t stop thinking about. What were your favourite books from last year? 

If Knowledge is power, learning is your superpower.
— Jim Kwik